
We provide IT solutions for government agencies, associations, and companies.

Learning Management System (LMS)

We provide blended learning solution. It covers all learning management process such as planning, training request, manager/director approval, e-Learning for self study & online exam, classroom learning schedule management, electronic certificate, reporting and dashboard.


e-Voting is one of our latest solution for chairman election or polling in an organization. This application provides functionality to manage voting dynamically. All main process in a voting process should have been covered. The features consist of event creation, participant registration and confirmation, voting, and deep investigation if needed.


We provide some e-Government solutions like Website (Organization Profile), SIMPEG (HRIS), e-RKA, e-Learning, Mobile Survey, Licensing Information System, etc. We have a long experience in serving Indonesian government agency. More than 80% of our project are implemented in collaboration with Indonesian government, both local and central governments.

Web Development Service

We serve request for web based application development for many purpose such as company profile, information system, e-commerce application, etc. Our team has a good experience with some web development technologies like Java, PHP, C#, and JavaScript Framework.

Mobile Apps Development Service

We develop mobile apps for IOS & Android. We are familiar with some mobile apps tools such as Java for Android, Swift, and React Native.

CMS based Development Service

We have a long experience in developing solutions based on CMS. Some CMS solution that we used are Moodle for e-Learning Solution and Wordpress for Company Portal. We have skills in developing CMS plugin, optimizing server, integrating with third party, and regular maintenance.

Contact Us

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Gedung Arva Cikini Lt.4
Jl. Cikini Raya No. 60 Cikini, Jakarta Pusat
Indonesia 10330